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Đèn Led siêu sáng Aquael LEDDY Smart

Giá: 1.235.000 VNĐ / Chiếc
Mã sản phẩm: AS319
Nhà sản xuất: Aquael
Xuất xứ: Ba Lan
Đèn Led siêu sáng Aquael LEDDY Smart

- Model: Aquael LEDDY Smart
- Hãng sản xuất: AquaEl
- Xuất xứ: Ba Lan
- Công suất: 6W

Tính năng:
  1. Đèn Led siêu sáng Aquael LEDDY Smart có sẵn 2 loại (SUNNY và PLANT) với màu đen hoặc trắng.
  2. Aquael LEDDY Smart sử dụng công nghệ chiếu sáng LED tiên tiến.
  3. Thiết kế độc đáo: kiểu dáng siêu mỏng trong tương lai (chỉ dày 1 cm).
  4. Dễ dàng để cài đặt (trên một vách bể có độ dày không quá 6 mm).
  5. Nhiệt độ màu K 6500 hoặc 8000 K.
  6. Led siêu bền, tuổi thọ lên đến 50.000 giờ hoạt động.

An aquarium is not only a home for fish, shrimps, and plants, but also (and perhaps, first and foremost) a decoration. Therefore, aquarium accessories must be both functional and stylish, so that they are in harmony with modern interiors. The new LEDDY SMART energy- efficient aquarium lamp is an excellent example of how AQUAEL puts this principle into practice. It combines elegance and a minimalist form with great operational properties providing optimal conditions for the maintenance of any freshwater nano-aquarium.

The LEDDY SMART lamp is designed for aquarium tanks of a capacity between 10 and 50 l and of a height up to 35 cm. The high-tech LED is placed in a stylish flat lampshade that is just 1 cm thick. The lamp is very easy to install – just press the lamp’s arm onto the edge of an aquarium wall (note: wall thickness cannot exceed 6 mm). The powerful 6-W LED emits light with a colour temperature of 6500 K (SUNNY) or 8000 K (PLANT). This light not only provides proper conditions for the growth of aquarium plants but also ensures that the colours of all the inhabitants of the aquarium are rendered faithfully.

The LEDDY SMART lamps are indispensable to illuminate shrimp tanks and other small freshwater aquariums. Their additional advantage is lack of maintenance requirements and durability, since the LEDs they employ can operate without replacement for up to 50 thousand hours. In practice, this translates to more than 10 years of operation.

  1. two models (SUNNY and PLANT) available in black or white
  2. advanced LED lighting technology
  3. a unique design: a futuristic super flat form (just 1 cm thick)
  4. easy to install (on a tank wall whose thickness does not exceed 6 mm)
  5. universal: colour temperature of 6500 K or 8000 K
  6. lasting: up to 50 thousand hours of operation

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